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Python scripts automating TV Shows tasks on your Synology NAS

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The SynoShows scripts will take care of those tedious tasks nobody ever wants to do after downloading TV Shows! On download completion, via your Synology NAS built-in DownloadStation, they will automagically:

What to do with SynoShows?

Personally, I use them together with a showRSS feed in my DownloadStation to have a 100% automated TV Show workflow on my Synology. Retrieval, Download, and Archiving.
I just have to turn on the TV, and watch! :D

However, you can use them as you please, I did my best to make the source code well organized and documented! You can use them as I do, or take just a portion of them, or use them as your inspiration for your own show management scripts!

Installation and Usage

In brief, you'll have to download the scripts somewhere on your Synology NAS, have Python installed, and tweak the built-in DownloadStation configuration to trigger the main SynoShows script to execute on download task completion
For more detailed instructions and a thorough description of SynoShows operations, please refer to the ReadMe.