Why Spooky Stuff?
Spooky is a nickname I've had since my very first days on the Internet and over time that sorta bled over to the real world as well... So I embraced it.

Anyways, I am Simone Cirillo
and ever since being first exposed to it, I've always been very interested and passionate about Artificial Intelligence and all that surrounds it...
In 2008 I obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering and in 2010 a Master's Degree in Intelligent Systems Design.

Then, in my first professional life, I was the R&D and technical half of a two-men firm.
Starting from scratch, we successfully developed a Genetic Programming based system for the evolution of financial trading strategies and set up our live production workflow.
Unfortunately, that experience abruptly ended in June 2014.

After that I decided to take a sabbatical where I spent most of my energies respecializing towards Machine Learning with a particular interest in Deep Learning, catching up with the great leaps forward the field had done since my student days...

In January 2016 I joined Horus Technology, now Eyra, as Machine Learning Engineer.
We're developing Horus, an innovative assistive device for the blind and the visually impaired!
My day-to-day activities there involve an exciting mix of design and training of various deep neural networks, more classical machine learning models, as well as regular software development.


Born, raised, and now back in Milano, Italy. I lived in Gothenburg, Sweden from mid 2008 to early 2013.

If you're interested, here's my CV.

Also, while never being my primary focus, I've always had an inclination towards research and over the years I managed to publish some of it. Check it out.